On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Snow Leopards

Hello and welcome to Leopards Class!


In Leopards this year, after February half term, Miss Wilson will be the class teacher. We also have Mrs Green and Mrs Beaumont supporting our learning.


We have a very exciting year planned this year. Please keep an eye on this page to see what we have been getting up to!


If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything, please contact Miss Wilson via the school office. 



In the Autumn term we will be looking at legends in English. We have read Beowulf and written our own legends based on this. We have also written some persuasive letters to outside companies who may be able to support our school. Oliver Twist is our new novel for Autumn 2. We will be writing our own chapter based on the story as well as putting together a playscript. 


In Maths, we have worked hard on our understanding of place value. We have also covered addition and subtraction then multiplication and division. During Autumn 2, our Maths focus will be fractions and graphs. 


Within the wider curriculum, in History we learnt about the formation of the Kingdom of England (including the Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans). In Autumn 2 our Geography focus will be the United Kingdom. In RE will be studying Christianity and Islam. For our Art work, we will be print making. For our PE lessons we will be improving our swimming skills as well as working on our striking and fielding.


Please note - PE days are Monday (swimming) and Thursday (PE).



I can’t quite believe we are talking about the Spring term already! As ever we have lots planned for this half term. Please read on to find out more. 

In English we have written our own Science Fiction stories. In Maths we have finished our work on fractions and have moved on to decimals. 

Within the wider curriculum, we have learnt about the Kingdom of Benin in History. We will be moving on to Geography, with our city study of Liverpool. In Science we studied Earth and Space in Spring 1 and will be moving on to Life Cycles. In PSHE, we will be having sessions from a local charity, Key, all about healthy relationships. Within our DT, we will be making our own African drum. In Computing, we will be using a 3D printer, designing our own pieces. In Music, we will be using Will Smith’s The Fresh Prince as our inspiration. 

We are also very fortunate that we will be working with UK Military School to develop our personal skills. This will take place each Thursday. Swimming will continue on a Monday. 



Homework is set each Monday and is due the following Monday. 


Homework due 25.2.25
English - 5 games on Ed Shed linked to your spelling list for the week. 

Maths  - 10 garage and 10 studio on TTRockstars

            - 2 decimal activities on Mathletics

Please make sure you continue with your reading. Reading records will be collected and checked on Friday 14th February.

Reading - 4 reads in your reading record (2 Reading Plus and 2 home reading book)

Weekly Award Winners

Our Endangered Animal Fundraiser - Disco Afternoon

Football Development Session

Golf Day

Science Experiment - Mixing Solids and Liquids

Bike Fix

Bikeability Week 1

Bikeability Week 2

Anglo Saxon Day
