On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School


Year 4 Termly Newsletters

Welcome to Rhino Class

Welcome to the 2024/25 school year at Woodlea Junior School! Our children have blown us away over the Autumn term and we know this will continue to be the case as we head into the Spring term. This year, Rhino Class are being taught by Mrs Younis and supported by Mrs Roberts. 

This term in English, we will be looking at fantasy stories. This is starting with Phillip Pullman’s enchanting story about Lila, ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. From this we will be writing our own creative fantasy stories. Afterwards, we will be using our skills to develop a persuasive piece of text to advertise the types of fireworks Lila invents. 


For maths, we will be following the Maths No Problem scheme of work and we will be continuing our learning with further multiplication, division, factions and time. Mental maths and times tables will also take place daily. 

Our wider curriculum topic for the Spring term will be The Romans in History. Science will be rather shocking this term as we look at how electricity flows through a circuit. In Computing, we will be looking at hardware and what makes our technology work as well as looking at how we can become programmers and debug code using Scratch. We will be looking at Sikhism in R.E.. Art will be looking at printmaking this half term and we will be able to create some oriental printed art similar to what Lila, the focus in our fantasy story in English, will have seen during her travels to become a Master Firework Maker like her father. We have a very important topic to cover in P.S.H.E. as we explore our own health and well-being and how to navigate our emotions and keep ourselves healthy.

P.E. lessons will take place on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings. We will be looking at passing and throwing and dance this half term. Please ensure your child has the correct kit (red Woodlea t-shirt, plain black shorts and plain black pumps). Outdoor kit is also encouraged ( plain black tracksuit top, plain black tracksuit pants and trainers). 

Updates, letters and homework will be shared via your child’s SeeSaw account. Details of how to access this can be found in your child’s reading record. 

Homework will be set on Friday to be completed the following Friday. It will be set online through SeeSaw. Homework club will take place on Tuesday after school until 4:15pm, where children will have access to iPads and staff support. In addition to homework set, children must read 4 times per week. This should be a combination of books and Reading Plus. Books will go home on Friday to be returned the following Friday. Reading records must be signed by an adult. 

Scroll down for a glimpse of what we get up to in Rhino Class!

Autumn Weekly Award Winners!

Spring Weekly Award Champions!

Endangered Animal Fundraiser

Library Visits
