On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Walking Bus

Walking to school is a great way to start the day! It is proven that a walking bus is a safe way for children to walk to school, allowing them to have regular daily exercise and reinforces the habit of walking for shorter journeys. Additionally too it is good for the environment, with less congestion and traffic, which means less pollution. During these unprecedented times too, it reduces the amount of adults congregating outside the school gates.


We have successfully offered a walking bus, from Morrisons on Wade Hall for a number of years and this is run by Mrs Quinn and Mrs Rufus, who are Woodlea staff. This service ensures a positive start to the day, as the children and adults are socially interacting by discussing the day ahead, sharing stories and being socially aware of other pedestrians and the environment.


The walking bus will start again on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 and leaves Morrisons at 8.15am.


Below are our expectations for children who attend the walking bus and must be followed if you use this service.

  • An adult must wait with a child until Woodlea staff leave the location at 8.15am.
  • At all times children must follow Woodlea’s Core Values.
  • No snacks and drinks are to be consumed during the walk to school.
  • Children will walk in pairs at all times.


Once the ‘Walking Bus’ arrives at school, they will join Woodlea’s Breakfast Club and have a light breakfast, if they wish. At 8.45am, the children will go to class and start their school day.


Places are limited and it is therefore important for you to secure a place, by ringing the school office, on 01772 421992; with your child’s full name and class. 
