On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Autumn Term Clubs Letter

Woodlea Junior School
Woodlea Road, Leyland
PR25 1JL
Tel: 01772421992 Headteacher: Mrs J Shorrocks
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are running the following after school clubs starting Monday 7th September 2015. All the clubs will run from 3.15 to 4.15 and are free. 
If any parents or carers would like to attend the knitting and lace-making club, please contact Mrs Cook.
If you would like your child to be included in any of the clubs, please return the completed slip below to the school office, as soon as possible.  Places may be limited on selected clubs, so there must be a commitment to attend the club weekly.
All confirmation of places will be sent home with your child and in a text message.
Any further information about individual clubs will be sent out in a letter and posted on the school website.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Cook, Mrs Cook
I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the clubs I have indicated below.
Name of pupil:.........................................................................            Class .................................
Contact no:...............................................................................
Pupil to be picked up by ........................................................ Signed ………………………………………………
Day Clubs Venue Start Date End Date      please tick
Monday Chess Club Woodlea Junior School 7th September 19th October
  Sports Desk
Woodlea Junior School 7th September 19th October  
  Knitting/Lace Making Club Woodlea Junior School 7th September 14th December
Tuesday Drama Club Woodlea Junior School 8th September 15th December
Woodlea Junior School 15th September 20th October
  Squash Club
Leyland Leisure Centre 8th September 20th October
Thursday Dance Club Woodlea Junior School 10th September 17th December
  Blackburn Rovers Football Club Woodlea Junior School 17th September 22nd October
  Athletics Club Woodlea Junior School 10th September 22nd October