On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

British Empire Project Homework

This term, I am asking the children to use the British Empire as their Project Homework Theme.

The British Empire was a great power. It contained territories owned by the United Kingdom. The empire was the largest empire in history. At its peak, it controlled 23% of the world's surface. More than 458 million people were brought under the control of the British Empire. It was known as the largest colonial empire in history. Today, most of its members are in the Commonwealth of Nations. The most famous part of the British Empire was the East India Trading Company. That company started as a small business before becoming a very large trading company which many people depended on. Britain was the most powerful country in the world at this time.

For your homework I would like you to look at a country or group of countries, who have been or are still part of the British Empire.

As always your project homework can be in whatever form you choose: 2D, 3D, ICT based, presentation… Every time we set this challenge, we are continually amazed at the creativity and innovative ideas that you come up with, which shows your newly acquired knowledge.


Completing Project Homework is a great way of working together at home with your children, and something that you can both enjoy.

Project Homework is due in the week beginning 14th March 2016.

In anticipation, Thank you for your continued support.
