On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Can you help?

Out of Hours Learning

One of our key priorities for this academic year is to develop the provision for Out of Hours Learning.  Our aim is to provide our children with as many opportunities as we can outside of the usual school curriculum.  From September our two HLTA’s (Mr R Cook and Mrs E Cook – no relation!) will be working with staff, children and parents, taking the lead in helping us to develop this area. 
Are you sporty? A cratfer?  Fluent in a different language? An ICT whizz? 

We know that at Woodlea we are very lucky to have some extremely talented parents who may be able to help us to develop this area by sharing one of their many skills.  If you would be keen to get involved in helping us to develop this area either through offering your services or just having an input in the kind of things you think we should be offering we would be really pleased to see you at an informal meeting on Friday 6th September at 2.30pm. 

If you are unable to make this meeting please do contact school to express your views either via letter, phone or email.