We have had a very busy and exciting start to the new school year. There has been some amazing activities taking place leading to our children learning lots!

Woodlea Junior School

Check out Woodlea Activities, WB 7.12.15

Week Beginning 7th December 2015
Panda’s Business week – 3P
The children in the class are given £30 to buy raw materials for their product that they will sell on the Friday afternoon. During the afternoon sessions this week the children will design, source, market, advertise and make their chosen product. On the Friday afternoon, all the children in the school will have an opportunity to buy something. The money raised will be rolled over into year 4, 5 and 6 respectively. In previous years the year 6 children have bought ‘Wodlea Hoodies’, paid for pizza and drinks and visits.
All children can bring a maximum of £1 to buy one of the products on sale.
Gorilla Class Assembly – 3G
This will take place on Friday 11th December at 9.05am All Parents and regular visitors are very welcome to attend.
Christmas Bingo
This will take place on Thursday 10th December. Doors open at 6pm and ‘Eyes Down’ is at 6.30pm. Tickets are available on the night, as well as our hugely successful ‘Chocolate Tombola’. Everybody is welcome.
Next Week:
Tuesday 15th December – Year 4 & 6 Party
Wednesday 16th December – Christmas Lunch & Carol Service at St Andrew’s Church, 6pm
Thursday 17th December – Year 3 & 5 Party
Friday 18th December – School Closes at 2pm