Dear Parents, here are some reminders and additional information regarding Christmas in school next week.
Monday 17th December
Carol Concert, 1.30pm, St Andrews Church
Christmas Bingo in school, 6pm
Tuesday 18th December – Christmas Jumpers can be worn over uniforms
Christmas Lunch, Design own Christmas Hat, (prizes one per year group).
Wednesday 19th December
Party Day: Own Party Clothes and Party Food
Thursday 20th December - Christmas Jumpers can be worn over uniforms
Christmas Film & Break up at 2pm
PARTY DAY - Wednesday 19th December
This year all year groups celebrating on the same day. We ask that the children wear party clothes to add to the festivities. During the day, they will be playing games, watching a festive film and having a party later in the afternoon.
Sandwiches |
Savouries |
Crisps |
Cakes |
Drinks |
Jelly |
Please note that we are a nut free school and all food sent in must reflect this
Thank you for your continued support
From myself and all the Staff at Woodlea, we would like to wish you all a ‘Very Merry Christmas’.