I hope that you are all having a good Summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our new children to Woodlea and developing our school family further. We start back on Tuesday 3rd September when the gates will open at 8.45 am. Please use the designated entrances: Y3 /. 4 on Woodlea Road and Y5 / 6 on the school driveway. Mrs Shorrocks

Woodlea Junior School

Joint letter with St Andrews re potential reopening.

Dear Parents,

Following on from the Prime Ministers speech on Sunday evening and the potential reopening of schools for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, we want to make it clear to you that this will only happen if it is safe to do so.

We do not, as yet, know how this will look and await further government guidance.  Our main priority will be and has always been ensuring the safety of our whole school community and any decisions we make about reopening will be based solely on that.

The schools remain open only to the children of key workers and vulnerable children.

Staying at home remains the safest place for your children. They are completing work and learning at home whilst maintaining the social distancing guidance, which has kept them safe so far.

As soon as we have further clarification on a potential partial reopening of the schools, we will be in touch.

Thank you for your continued support, particularly during the last 2 months. I and all of our Woodlea and St Andrew’s community appreciate your hard work and kind words.

Jillian Shorrocks & Pam Corry

Headteachers Woodlea and St Andrews
