- School is open as usual (until we are told otherwise by Public Health England)
- If we close we will inform parents / carers through text, Twitter, Latest News on the school website and letter (if the decision is made while the children are in school)
- See the above action plan for more details of what we are doing in school
- If your child shows symptoms (temperature and persistent cough) keep them off for 7 days (do not call 111) - if it becomes clear it is COVID-19 (Coronavirus) inform school (01772 421992).
- Only contact 111 if there are difficulties, if it does not clear up after 7 days or there are underlying other health issues. Otherwise it is a case of 'getting through it' and recovering at home.
- If a case of COVID-19 is confirmed by a parent we will inform all parents.
- If a child develops possible symptoms in school we will send them home immediately
- Visit the following site for the most up to date information:
Advice from DfE