On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Letter re full opening of school in September

Dear Parents,

I and all the staff at Woodlea are delighted to be planning for a return for all our children in September.

Following on from the guidance issued by the Government last Thursday, 2nd July, we, have met and discussed arrangements for September.

To make school and the surrounding area as safe as possible for children, staff and parents, we have made some necessary changes to school timings and its organisation.

Please read the following information carefully.


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5

Year 6

Gate for entry and exit

Large Gate on entry to the Car Park

Large Gate on entry to the Car Park

Small gate on the Car Park

Small gate on the Car Park

School Entrance / Exit

Year 3 / 4 Entrance, near the climbing frame


Year 3 / 4 Entrance, near the climbing frame


Year 5/6 Entrance, near the small gate

Year 5/6 Entrance, near the small gate

Start Time

Children arrive between

8.30 - 9

Children arrive between

9 – 9.30

Children arrive between

9 – 9.30

Children arrive between

8.30 - 9

Finish Time

Children will finish at 3.10

Children will finish at 3.40

Children will finish at 3.40

Children will finish at 3.10


If you have children who finish at different times, they will both leave at the later home time of 3.40.


No School Bags will be allowed in school

PE Kits

Children will need to bring their full PE kit into school on the first day back in a PE or carrier bag. Please ensure that this is all labelled fully with their name and class. The PE kits will remain in school and stored in the cloakrooms, on a labelled peg.


Reading Books

These will need to be brought to school daily and taken home each night. They need to be in a book bag, which will be provided by school, and be kept in their individual trays.

Water Bottle

All children must bring a filled and clean water bottle into school daily.

Hand Sanitiser

Children are allowed to bring hand sanitiser into school for their own use. These will be kept inside their own individual trays within their classroom.


There has been an addendum added to the Home /School Agreement relating to Covid-19 guidance and safe practice. Please ensure that this is read thoroughly and shared and understood with your children. I reference this when reminding you of social distancing; when entering and leaving the school premises, having only one adult accompanying a child to school and your responsibility re informing the school if you or a family member show symptoms or test positive for Covid-19.

Contacting School

Whilst we are trying to continue our ‘Open Door’ policy in school, these unprecedented times have made this less likely.

We are asking that no adults come into school to make contact with school staff. If you need to pass any medication into school please contact the office in the first instance and they will arrange to meet you in reception: 01772421992.

All current and updated communication will be on the school website , your SeeSaw accounts, via text message and twitter:













As you keep hearing in the various media, these are unprecedented times, however we as a school will do as much as we can to ensure that your child’s experience will be as ‘normal’ as it can possibly be.

Please continue to trust us to educate, care and keep your child safe whilst they are in school.

Thank you for your continued support in all aspects of school life and I look forward to seeing you in September.


Jillian Shorrocks

