On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Mrs Shorrocks Weekly Challenge

Hi All, Mrs Shorrocks Weekly Challenge! Remember when we had 'Good To Be Me Day' back in February. You all heard the story, 'Only One You' about being an individual, celebrating difference and being unique. I was out walking and saw the perfect rock and had a thought. I'd like you to decorate a rock as a fish! I painted the rock first of all with white gloss paint and then used Molly's collection of brightly coloured nail varnishes to make my fish stand out. Please make yours unique and stand out from the others. When you have finished with it, please upload a picture and when we return to Woodlea, bring it with you. Thank you and I cannot wait to see your creativity! Mrs Shorrocks

Look at your SeeSaw account and Enrichment Pages of the website for the images.

