On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Near Miss Letter re Road Traffic

St Andrew's CE Infant School and Woodlea Junior School


Road Safety - Near Misses


Dear Parents and Carers,


We would like to thank you for your cooperation with parking at the start and end of the school day. The parking signs provided by the police have helped to make the area safer and alleviate morning congestion to some degree, but Woodlea Road still presents challenges at these times, including the speed at which some cars travel.

Last week there was a near miss, involving a car and a child from Woodlea Junior School. Last month too, a similar incident occurred with a child from St Andrew’s CE Infant school, where a car was using the school drive as a turning point.

There are limited parking spaces outside the entrance to both schools. Please try to avoid Woodlea Road and use the available public parking spaces around school rather than trying to park directly outside. These are the Civic Centre, Tesco and The Leisure Centre. By doing this you will help to ensure our children are safer and stop potential accidents happening.

If you do not use a car to transport your child(ren) to school please ensure you supervise them adequately, particularly in the area outside school.

If your child is at Woodlea Junior School and walks to school unsupervised, please remind them of Road Safety, which will complement the awareness sessions which have already taken place in school.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation,



Mrs C Dring (Headteacher at St Andrew’s CE Infant School)

Mrs Shorrocks (Headteacher at Woodlea Junior School)
