On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Science Week Information


Science Week


Dear Parent / Carer,


In the final week of this half term, we will be holding our annual ‘Science week’ (6th-10th February). Science week is a great opportunity to engage the children in hands-on, practical science. Last year’s science week was a great success and created a real buzz amongst the children about science.


There will be several events which parents are welcome to attend.


  • Firstly, our launch event on Friday 3rd February will be a visit from ‘Adrian Bowden’s Science Show’. Adrian’s shows are always great fun, interactive and have a great deal of ‘WOW!’ put in for good measure.
  • Next, you are invited to take part in a hand’s-on science investigation in your child’s class on Thursday 9th February (afternoon – time to be confirmed).
  • Finally, there will be a celebration assembly at 2:40pm on Friday 10th February where the children will showcase their learning.


I very much hope that you can join us.


Last year, we were fortunate enough to have the Science show generously funded by the PTFA. This year, however, this will not be possible (PTFA funds having been used to fund the trip to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Christmas). Therefore, we are asking for each child to bring a voluntary contribution of £1.50 to meet some of the cost of the science show. I’m sure that you’ll agree, the science show does give the children a great opportunity to experience experiments that are not always possible in the classroom.


Many thanks in advance and I look forward to seeing many of you at our various science week events.


Norman Payne

Curriculum Leader / Science Subject leader
