On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Sponsored Times Tables

Sponsored Times Tables

Tuesday 8th November


On the 10th November 2016, Woodlea Junior School will be hosting a ‘Maths Day’, with a wide variety of interesting maths challenges taking place throughout the day in school.


In the build up to this event, we will be running a ‘Sponsored Times Table Competition’, throughout the school. Children will firstly compete on their own, with 60 questions ranging from 2 – 12 times tables. They will then compete against classmates, where a winner from each class will be decided. On the ‘Maths Day’ itself, the finalists from each class will compete to win a prize. To make sure this is a fair competition there will be different questions for each year group.


It would be fantastic for the children, if you fully support them in this competition with your encouragement and sponsorship. This money will go towards new maths equipment for each class, which will enable all children to access it during all maths and theme related lessons. Additional money raised will go towards a subscription to ‘Sum Dog’. This is a fully interactive maths programme, which will be used in school and all children will get their own personal log in, to be used at home as part of their homework.  


It was clear from the homework questionnaires that many parents and guardians felt as though homework should be more IT based or fun and this will go a long way to making positive changes for the children. For those without access to the internet at home, homework club will have access to Sum Dog each week so the children won’t miss out.


Please complete the sponsorship form overleaf and return it to school by Tuesday 8th November at the latest. Any sponsorships will be greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your continued support.


Jillian Shorrocks

