On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Welcome back after the Easter Holiday

Woodlea Junior School
Woodlea Road
PR25 1JL
Tel:  01772 421992
Headteacher: Mrs Karen Stephens
Monday, 13 April 2015

Welcome back to the Summer Term, I hope that you all had a good two week break. This is going to be a very busy term for us all here at Woodlea: we will be sending home regular updates on the events through our newsletters. Please note that up to date information can always be found on our website...
In addition to this we are very pleased to offer you a new App which you can download free of charge on all apple and android phones and other devices. This will enable us to inform you directly of updates and changes to our daily routines. Please download this App and help us improve our 'home-school' communication.

There will be some staff changes this term following Mrs Bird's retirement at Easter. Mrs Bird asked that I not inform you until after she had left as she didn't want a fuss! 5L will be taught Monday to Thursday by Mrs McKenna and on Fridays by Mrs Shorrocks for this half term. Mrs McKenna has a new job at a local school from this June so after half term 5L will be taught by Mrs Shorrocks full time until the end of term. To enable this to happen 3G will be taught by Mrs Younis full time till the end of the summer. Many thanks should go to Mrs Bird and Mrs McKenna for their hard work and dedication to our school and the children they have taught.

We will be interviewing this half term for a new Assistant Head to replace Mrs Shorrocks as she becomes our Headteacher in September. We will also be looking for an additional class teacher to replace Mrs Bird/ Mrs McKenna....busy times!
Please can I remind you that dinners now cost £2.20 a day, or £11 a week, payable in advance.
All school Uniform can now be bought at Delta Wool Shop on Stanifield Lane, Farington.
Well done to Daniel Giles 6C and his ‘ASD Charity Day on Friday 27th March, we raised £199.60, with more to come from St Andrews Infants as they shared the day with us.
Many thanks for your continuing support and cooperation in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Stephens
Associate Headteacher