On behalf of all the team at Woodlea, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year ahead!

Woodlea Junior School

Year 3 Mancheter Museum of Science and Industry

Dear Parents/Carers,


We are delighted to tell you that on Monday 27th March we are hoping to take the Year 3 children to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry.


Our theme work this half term is all about Magnets and Forces and we feel that a trip to the Museum would provide the children with an excellent experience of hands on learning. Whilst at the Museum the children will specifically learn about ‘Forces and Flight’ through an interactive show.


Throughout the course of the day, the children will also be able to carry out experiments and visit the different areas on the museum.


We intend to leave school at 9am and return at approx. 3pm.


The children will require a packed lunch and those on school dinners will be provided with a packed lunch.


As a team we are very excited about the trip and the activities connected to it. In order for this trip to take place the cost will be £7.80 per child and we ask for this to be returned alongside the completed permission slip by Friday 17th March. Should sufficient funds not be raised to cover the cost of the visit, it will be cancelled.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Smith and Mrs Younis.




Child’s Name:


______________________________________ Class: ________________________


I do / do not give permission for my child to visit Manchester Museum of Science and Industry on 27th March 2017.


I enclose £7.80.


Signed: ________________________________________________________ Parent / Carer.
