The Summer term is on us already and there are lots of exciting activities planned for all children in school. The weather is unpredictable so please send your child in for all eventualities. Thank you.

Woodlea Junior School

Year 6 visit to Clitheroe castle

1066 and all that!


On Thursday 24th March year 6 visited Clitheroe castle as part of their current theme work.


As part of their 'Super-sleuth' theme, year 6 have been learning about life in Anglo-Saxon Britain and the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings in 1066.


Despite the rain, year 6 had a great time. Highlights of the day included:

  • re-enacting three important battles taking the roles of either: Vikings, Saxons or Normans
  • handling authentic replica weapons (and dressing as a Norman warrior)
  • exploring the importance of armour by creating an armoured suit for 'Sir Egbert' before dropping him from the castle walls
  • building a model of a 'Motte and Bailey' castle
  • exploring the defensive and offensive features of the castle

