The Summer term is on us already and there are lots of exciting activities planned for all children in school. The weather is unpredictable so please send your child in for all eventualities. Thank you.

Woodlea Junior School


  • December Film Night

    Tue 29 Nov 2016

    Woodlea Film Night

    7th December – 3.10pm – 5.30pm

    We are hosting an additional film night on Wednesday 7th December, 3.10pm – 5.30pm.

    The film that is being shown on Wednesday 7th December is ‘Home Alone’.

    The money raised from this evening will contribute towards the cost of the coaches for Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, on Wednesday 21st December.

    Entrance to each event is £3. This includes entrance to a raffle, where the prize will be the DVD watched that night, a drink and crisps.

    If you would like your child to attend, please complete the tear off slip below and send your money into school in a sealed envelope, prior to the event.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Woodlea’s PTA.

    Wednesday 7th December

    My child(ren) _________________________, class ______

    _________________________, class ______ will be attending the Film Night on Wednesday 7th December.

    I enclose £3 per child.  

    Signed, ____________________________________

  • Year 2 Open Day, 5th December

    Tue 29 Nov 2016


    Dear Parents


    At Woodlea we are aware that transition from infants to juniors can be a worrying time for both yourself and your child. We have planned a series of events to ensure the change of schools is an enjoyable time for your child and one in which you feel very well informed.


    We are offering an initial open day on Monday 5th December. There are 2 different visiting times for you to choose from. These are:-

    9.00 am

    2.20 pm


    During the year ahead, there will be open days for parents and small group visits for the children, which will enable them to have a tour of the school and see our children working in a variety of ways. We also plan induction afternoons in the Summer term.  In July there is a whole day where your child will come to Woodlea for the day, work in their year 3 class, meet their buddy and have lunch in school.


    In addition to this there will be an Information Evening for parents in June and details of this will be sent out closer to the date.


    The feedback in the past has been very positive and it has been reported that the children very quickly were able to share and resolve any worries or questions that they may have had.


    Please fill in the slip below and return it to St Andrews if you would like to visit next Monday.  If you are unable to attend and would like to visit the school during the school day, at a more convenient time, please contact the school office to book an appointment.


    Yours sincerely


    Mrs Jillian Shorrocks




    Name of child …………………………………………..                      Signed ………………………………………………………..


    1. I will be attending the Open Day at Woodlea School on Monday 5th December. I would like to attend the following session.


  • Newsletter - 28.11.16

    Mon 28 Nov 2016
  • Thanks and further clarification re Homework

    Wed 23 Nov 2016

    Dear Parents,


    Thank you to those that attended the parent Task Group yesterday afternoon. There were many positive comments, however there are a few areas that needed clarification. 


    ICT and Written homework will be sent home on alternate weeks.

    Within the children’s section on the school website, there is a section for each year group’s homework. This will state clearly the day that homework is set and when it is expected back.

    After clicking on your year group’s homework, there will be a copy of the proforma stating clearly what is expected that the children complete; whether it is ICT or book based.

    Each week a new document will be uploaded.

    English and Maths work will not be open ended, it will be supporting work that has taken place in class.


    Effort Club

    Effort Club takes place daily and has a focus on presentation and handwriting; underlining titles, dates, LOs, basic errors including capital letters, full stops, spellings and basic errors that are expected of children at their age.

    Effort Club will NOT be used for completing unfinished work or for not reading at home.



    As a school we do send out a lot of letters, all of which often do not make it home. I currently put copies of newsletters on the school’s website. From January, I would like all letters to be emailed to parents and for them to be uploaded to the school’s website.

    Can you please complete the form below, printing clearly your email address.


    Thank you for your continued support.



    Name of Child _____________________________________ Class __________________


    I would like to receive letters by email. My email address is __________________________


    Signed _______________________________________

  • November Birthday Table

    Tue 22 Nov 2016
  • Christmas Project Homework

    Mon 21 Nov 2016

    Christmas Project Homework

    1 - Calling all children and parents! We are looking for some amazing ‘Christmas Themed Project Homework’. You continue to amaze us, with your creativity and innovative ideas, when completing project homework.

    Again, you can use any medium of your choice; 3D, 2D, collage, ICT, performance …

    We would like these brought into school during December.

    2 - With this letter, is a green tube, I would like all the children to decorate this tube in whatever way they wish. My plan is for all the tubes to be collated and made into a Christmas Tree, in the style of the ‘Pringles Tree’.

    Can all the tubes be returned to school no later than Friday 2nd December.


  • Newsletter - 21.11.16

    Mon 21 Nov 2016
  • Updated Safeguarding Procedures

    Fri 18 Nov 2016

    18TH November 2016


    Dear Parent and Carers,


    I am writing to advise all adults that our Safeguarding procedures are being updated and the following changes have been made.


    • Parents that visit the school for any assembly must sign in at reception, where a sticker will be given. Parents will then be asked to wait in the entrance, until a member of staff takes you to the hall. After the assembly, you will be brought back to reception to sign out. This is to ensure your safety, in the event of a fire and the safety of your children.
    • Anyone wishing to speak to a teacher must do this before morning bell or at the end of the school day. You will need to sign in at reception, and will be asked to wait there, until the member of staff arrives. We cannot ask teachers to come out of their classroom once the school day has started.
    • We understand that you may speak to a member of staff on the playground. However, if you need a private conversation in school, we ask that you come in via reception where you can sign in. This is to ensure the safety of everyone in the building, in the event of a fire. No adults will be allowed into school through the children’s entrances.
    • There is a disabled toilet in the entrance area, but we ask that parents don’t make a habit of this. If you need to use this facility, please ensure that you let staff in the office know when you are leaving the building.
    • When after school clubs finish at 4.10pm, we ask that an adult is available to pick up a child. There are a number of children walking home alone and as the nights are getting darker, this is a safeguarding concern.


    We continue as always to have an ‘open door’ policy and I am sure that you will all agree, the changes made are a positive move in ensuring the safety of your children, which remains our main priority.


    Thank you for your continued support, 


    Yours faithfully,



    Mrs J Shorrocks


  • Anti-Bullying Assembly

    Thu 17 Nov 2016
  • Year 5 Coffee Morning

    Thu 17 Nov 2016